exposure|exposures in English


[ex·po·sure || ɪk'spəʊʒə]

denouncement; disclosure, revealing; exposing of film to light (Photography); photograph; abandoning; placement, location (in relation to the sun)

Use "exposure|exposures" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "exposure|exposures" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "exposure|exposures", or refer to the context using the word "exposure|exposures" in the English Dictionary.

1. The exposure circumstance entails exposures that are Carcinogenic to humans

2. The (automatic exposure) Bracketing camera mode lets you capture multiple shots with different exposures at once

3. Acyclovir was not teratogenic in the mouse, rabbit, or rat at exposures greatly in excess of human exposure

4. Any conceivable public exposure to airborne CaO dust would certainly be at lower concentration levels than worker exposures.

5. Beige Adipocytes arise from de novo differentiation of adipocyte progenitors upon the first exposure to cold temperatures, while subsequent cold exposures trigger …

6. Asbestosis typically occurs 10-15 years following the commencement of exposure to asbestos and is dose related 3.Heavy asbestos exposure is predominantly encountered among men, as most exposures are occupational in the setting of construction, mining, or ship/automotive industries.

7. Needlestick injuries accounted for 78% of the percutaneous exposures, while splashes accounted for 88% of the mucocutaneous exposures.

8. Exposures Acutely worsening respiratory symptoms in patients with COPD

9. I have ten exposures left on this film.

10. (memo item) Drawn amounts of revolving retail exposures – Nominal value

11. Risk weight (RW) = 370 % for all other equity exposures.

12. Equally high domestic lifetime radon exposures are rarely found.

13. Prolonged exposure to above-normal oxygen partial pressures, or shorter exposures to very high partial pressures, can cause oxidative damage to cell membranes, collapse of the alveoli in the lungs, retinal detachment, and seizures.

14. Little evidence exists to support associations with specific environmental exposures.

15. Exposures and interactions have through osmosis raised new expectations and ambitions.

16. Sporadic malformations (anencephaly, micro-ophthalmia, widened brain ventricles and omphalocele) were observed in the rabbit embryofetal toxicity studies at doses resulting in exposures comparable with the clinical exposures

17. Its serial, kaleidoscopic exposures force us to follow its lead.

18. Bumbershoot — an excess liability coverage for insureds with major wet marine exposures

19. Evidence for thymic and bone marrow proliferation in response to the exposures.

20. Final Exposure.

21. Exposure index

22. Exposure bias

23. reporting of all large exposures at least four times a year

24. Shooting Bracketed exposures is a nice safety technique, especially for landscape photography

25. Investopedia: market exposure